How To Leash Train Your Cat
The Adventure Cat OutpostHow to Introduce Your Cat to a Harness and Leash
Welcome to The Adventure Cat Outpost, the purr-fect place to learn how to guide your kitty companion into becoming a fearless adventure cat. Assuming you already have a kitty companion of your own, one of the next steps in the process will be to embark into leash training your cat. Whether you’re looking to explore your backyard or embark on a hiking adventure, a proper harness and leash will help you and your cat to have a safe and fun time in the great outdoors. Follow our step-by-step guide to get your cat comfortable with a harness and leash, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for both of you.
Select the Right Harness and Leash for Your Cat
First things first: make sure you are prepared by selecting the right harness and leash for your Adventure Cat. Here are some basic guidelines to ensure the proper harness fit:
- Your harness should be specifically designed for cats
- A harness should have snug yet comfortable fit on your cat
- Once on you should be able to fit two fingers between your adventure cat and their harness – this should ensure that it doesn’t restrict your cat’s movement.
Pair your harness with a lightweight leash that provides enough length for exploration but keeps you in control. My preference is having a very lightweight retractable leash with a locking feature as that gives me the opportunity to adjust how much room I give Pancakes the Adventure Cat to roam depending on the situation.
Steps for Leash Training Your Cat:
I cannot stress this enough: know your cat and go at their pace through the following steps. This will ensure that you don’t end up making them associate their harness or leash with danger – making them hate it forever. I know a cat who had a bad scare with a paper bag – and that cat hated paper bags, and me, for over six months. It took hard work for her to stop looking at me (and bags) as the enemy.
1. Introduce Your Cat to the Harness
Introduce the harness to your cat in a familiar, stress-free environment. Start out by letting your cat sniff and investigate the harness, associating it with positive experiences. Bring out the cat harness and feed it treats if your kitty is food motivated. Place your harness near their sleeping area to help your cat to see the harness as non-threatening. You are not having your cat wear the harness yet – merely giving them the opportunity to see it as not a threat.
Do this several times depending on your kitty and their age. You will know it is time for the next step if your kitty seems excited to see the harness or if they seem completely comfortable around it.
2. Get Your Cat Used to Wearing the Harness Indoors
Put the Harness on Your Cat – Loosely.
Now that your cat seems comfortable around the harness, gently place it on them without fastening it or with it on very loose. You do want to ensure that your cat doesn’t feel restricted but make sure that the harness isn’t going to get caught on something.
Depending on the cat they may fall over the moment you put the harness on them, or promptly take it off. Don’t be discouraged by this – instead offer them plenty of praise and their favorite while they are wearing the harness to create positive associations.
Gradually increase the time your cat spends with the harness on, monitoring their comfort level and adjusting the fit as needed. Once they seem comfortable in the harness, move on to the next step: securing the harness fit.
3. Secure the Fit of your Cat Harness
If you hadn’t done so in the prior step, it’s time to fasten your cat’s harness and make sure you have the right fit. Depending on your cat, you can take the fitting quite slow, making the harness snugger each training session while continuing to give your cat treats, play and affection to reinforce positive behavior. Since Pancakes loves being an Adventure Cat, at this point he starts purring whenever I put his harness on his head – because he knows it means it is time for an adventure. Your Adventure Cat hasn’t developed the love for adventure yet, though, so for now you are making positive associations with their kitty cat love language.
You will be ready to move to the next step when your cat has a proper fit and is unbothered by the harness.
We want the harness to fit so that is snug enough that your cat can’t wriggle out, but not so tight that he or she is uncomfortable. A good rule of thumb is being able to fit two fingers between the harness and your cat’s body.
How to Accustom Your Cat to Walking on a Leash
1. Introduce Your Cat to Their New Leash
Attach the leash to the harness while indoors, not tugging or pulling your cat at all on it. You can let your cat drag it around, as long as you are supervising the process to make sure it doesn’t get tangled. This step allows your cat to get used to the weight and feel of the leash. Keep these sessions short and sweet, gradually increasing the duration as your cat becomes more comfortable.
2. Walk Your Cat on a Leash Indoors
Now that your cat is used to both the harness and leash, gently pick up the leash and follow your cat around your home. Avoid pulling or leading them at this stage; the goal is to let them lead and feel the slight tension of the leash. Encourage exploration and offer treats to motivate movement.
Introduce Your Cat To the Great Outdoors
Begin with short outdoor sessions in a safe, quite, enclosed area, such as a backyard. Keep initial outings brief, gradually increasing the time as your cat becomes more confident. Continue to give your cat treats, if they will take them, and be prepared to wait as your cat takes time sniffing and exploring the small things that we often overlook. Always stay attuned to your cat’s comfort level, ready to retreat indoors if they show signs of stress or fear.
Go at Your Cat’s Pace
Remember, every cat’s response to leash training will vary. Some may take to it quickly, while others need more time and patience. Introducing a harness when your cat is young is ideal, though you will want to make sure that it has all its vaccinations before going outside. Respect your cat’s pace and never force training sessions. Be consistent about training, including involving positive reinforcement, and your cat will soon be ready for bigger and greater outdoor adventures.
How to Train Your Cat to Walk On a Leash - FAQs
Is it hard to train a cat to walk on a leash?
It really depends on the cat. While Pancakes the Adventure Cat took to leash training quickly and easily, leash training your cat can take patience and consistency before it becomes a fun adventure for you both.
Pushing too quickly can make your cat have negative associations with their harness, leash or the outdoors in general. This is why understanding your cat's personality and proceeding at their pace is crucial for successful training.
Is leash walking good for cats?
Yes! Leash walking offers mental stimulation, physical exercise, and an opportunity to explore the outdoors safely for cats without the danger of living their lives outside. Just make sure that you are walking your cat safely and at your their comfort level.
Is it ever too late to leash train a cat?
No! It's never too late to leash train a cat. It may take extra patience and positive reinforcement, however adult, and and even senior, cats can also learn to walk on a leash!
That being said it is ideal to train your kitten to walk on a leash, as they tend to adapt more quickly to it.
Can I take my indoor cat on a walk?
Yes, indoor cats can enjoy outdoor walks when properly leash trained. Leash training opens up the world for indoor cats, giving them a safe way to experience the outdoors, enriching their lives and reducing boredom.
We recommend that all adventure cats live indoors and only experience the outdoor world with you safely by their side.
Leash training opens a world of adventures for you and your cat and is also a safe way for them to be healthier and more mentally engaged. Stay tuned to The Adventure Cat Outpost for more tips and tricks on raising an intrepid feline explorer.
Happy Adventuring!